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A Basic Guide to Jewelry Care

So you’ve got a beautiful piece of handmade jewelry and you want to make sure it stays shiny and gorgeous, right? Of ...

Why the VIP thing?

The best part of the VIP program (in my opinion), is that it's going to be curated to the individual, because, let's ...

Things to Consider on Black Friday

At the risk of killing your Black Friday buzz, I'm going to share some hard facts with you about the relationship bet...

The Jewelry That Will Outlive You (And How To Find It)

The only way to ensure your jewelry lives on through the ages is to buy the good stuff.  And I'm not just saying th...

The Rainbow *Connection*

It's not just thoughtful snail mail, it's hours and hours of laughing at silly memes, sharing recipes or just talking...

Why Shopping Small is Actually Important

There are over 30 million small businesses in America, that of which 81% have ZERO employees (go ahead and fact check...
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