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Why Patreon?

One of the biggest challenges I face as a small business owner is finding ways to nurture my artistic passion while keeping up with the demands of everyday life. I wear all the hats for my jewelry business. I show up on all the social media platforms, I do the front-of-house and back-of-house work, juggle my relationships and extracurriculars (poorly, I might add), and I still love making art SO much that I'll do whatever I can to jam it in there as often as possible. But despite the chaos, I feel infinitely blessed.

With the rise of digital platforms, artists like me now have more opportunities than ever to connect with fellow craftspeople and art lovers. Xanne Fran has been around for almost a decade, (which is craaazy), and through the years I've made many amazing friends, people I would never have met if it weren't for this wild, modern social media scene. While having friends all over the world is incredible, it's becoming increasingly hard to keep in touch when my supporters have to wade through ads and algorithms just to see the stuff they signed up to see. That's one of the main reasons I launched my Patreon. If you're like, 'what the heck is Patreon?' Let me tell you.

Patreon is a membership-based platform for creatives. It provides a unique opportunity for artists to build a community of their most loyal fans. Folks who are anxious to support their favorite creators can make a monthly pledge in exchange for exclusive content, behind-the-scenes access to the creative process, and a slew of other goodies, (think livestreams and giveaways and coupons, oh my!) This direct connection with fans allows artists to cultivate a dedicated fan base that is genuinely invested in their success- free of bots, trolls, and creepy guys in their DMs. In a nutshell, Patreon empowers artists to connect with their fans in a meaningful way and build a sustainable career doing what they love.

Join me for livestream sculpt-alongs!

I have been feeling the effects of burnout big time- trying to stay ahead on social media platforms that are always working against me. To be honest, I never wanted to be a content creator. Even now, after finding my stride, if I could step away from socials without my livelihood tanking, I would do it in a heartbeat. The toxic environment of social media can be soul-sucking and too often I find myself so mentally exhausted I can't give my art the attention it deserves. That's why I'm giving Patreon a whirl; because I love my internet friends and I want to stay connected to them in a way that feels nourishing instead of draining. Fingers crossed, I'd love to spend WAY less time wrangling the social media monster and way MORE time making magical mind-freeing art. That's what this opportunity could afford me (which would be SO cool).

The second coolest part about Patreon is what it allows me to offer my patrons. It's been tricky for me to cut through the noise of social media and really focus on my truest fans, the ones who go out of their way to tell me they're excited about a new project, or send me encouraging words when I'm having a tough week. Those are the people who want me to succeed and flourish as an artist and they deserve to be a part of my journey.

Patrons get personalized Membership Cards!

My patrons can expect to see the rawest, most experimental work they've ever seen from me, things I wouldn't typically share on mainstream social media for fear of meanies and *gasp*.. the dreaded algorithm. I'll be sharing photos of all the projects I have in the works, showing my more unusual processes, and sharing tips on everything from how to spark creativity, to how to find the best damn stick in the forest. As my most elite fans, they'll also have early access to newly available artwork and limited edition jewelry. Honestly, I've got so many ideas on how to make this an incredible place to hang out, I can't put it all into words. I'm going to be my truest self, ya'll.

By becoming a patron, you'll not only be supporting my artistic journey but also gaining access to loads of exclusive content and behind-the-scenes insights that I won't be sharing anywhere else. Your ongoing support will enable me to follow my creative passions wherever they might take me. (Buckle up.)

I almost forgot, the cherry on top of becoming a patron! You'd be joining a close-knit community of like-minded individuals like you and me, a space where genuine connections are made, and where your voice isn't buried by a bunch of internet randos. The members-only chats and livestreams will feel like the artsy friend group you've always wanted (at least that's what I'm going for.. hehe).

So, I invite you to become a patron and follow along on this wild creative journey with me. Let's get weird. ;)

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